sunday notes


This weekend was wonderful!

The weather was above freezing!

I baked carrot-cake cup cakes with hot pink icing especially for Paul’s Grandfather and then

spend some quality time with his Grandparents. Herman told some amazing WWII memories. We learned that Herman designed and built the back rests on  WWII planes!

Booked a wedding with an awesome couple; Katie & Brad. Paul & I are very excited for their wedding day.

“I wish their wedding was tomorrow”-Paul (shortly after the signing)

Ordered 2012 High School Senior Portrait promo postcards

Made good use of my new ankle weights at the gym 🙂

Designed an adorable 3-D V-Day Card for Paul . . . check back for the posting of it

Sunday evening met up with my friend Chad from Indstruktibl Clothing LLC at the Mirmar Theatre on the east side and took some photos of his newest men’s hoodie along with some performace photos of C-Piepz and Karima.

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