A to Z Get to Know Me // On My Mind Monday
Hi! Happy Monday!
Caleb and I are back from our 8 day getaway; 4 days in Scotland and 4 in Northern Iceland. I love Iceland so much and we are lucky enough to go there 3 times in a 12 months span. We will be back to photograph a wedding there in just 6 weeks and I am SO excited!
Anyways, I have been seeing a few of these scattered throughout the internet so, for this week’s On My Mind Monday, I decided to do an A to Z Get to Know Me.
Here we go!!!
A: Age – 30
B: Biggest fear – strangers.
C: Current time – 5:03
D: Drink you had last – organic rockstar
E: Easiest person to talk to – my husband.
F: Favorite song – this is a hard question!! I guess, I will say at the moment it is: Ocean Repeating (Big-Eyed Girl) – Wild Nothing
G: Gummy bears or worms – bears.
H: Hometown – Arnold, Maryland. (just outside of Annapolis)
I: In love with – Caleb.
J: Jealous of – anyone with naturally amazingly long and thick hair.
K: Kids? currently, just one …. Kenzo doggy. Hoping to get him a brother soon. (a furry brother)
L: Life isn’t complete without – family, travel, animals, plants, love, and advancements in health – – for humanity and our environment.
M: Middle name – my father’s – Graham.
N: Number of siblings – 2. I am the middle child.
O: One wish – for my family and friends to be completely healthy and overly happy.
P: Person you spoke on the phone to last – Autumn
Q: Questions you are always asked – what is your favorite thing to photograph? what camera do you use? how many cameras do you own? do you ever relax?
R: Reason to smile – I am luck enough to have incredibly supportive family & friends AND Caleb and I will be back in Iceland in 6 weeks!!
S: Song you sang last – Waves that Rolled You Under – Young Summer
T: Time you woke up this morning – 5:50am
U: Unknown fact about me – when I was in Germany as a foreign exchange student I got bit by a dog and had to get rabies shots.
V: Vacation destination – I pick Iceland, always, Iceland.
W: Worst habit – saying “yes” to things just to make other’s happy.
X: X-rays you’ve had – 5
Y: Your favorite food – anything Chinese or Thai
Z: Zodiac sign – Scorpio.
And now you know plenty of useless information about me… you are welcome. If you want to learn more about me please be sure to visit the ABOUT section of the Studio 29 main website. 🙂
Have a great evening and a wonderful week!!

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